Tag Archives: lose

How to Lose Man Boobs – 2 Ways to Lose Man Boobs More Effectively!

I have tried almost everything and spent countless dollars in the bid to lose my man boobs and gets my self-esteem back, including all sorts of diets, exercises, drugs, anything short of surgery. Whatever the cost, I will consider it if it can help me lose my man boobs. I devoted a lot of my free time to the study on the subject of exercise, bodybuilding and nutrition, and despite this, I wasn’t able to gather much information on the subject of man boobs reduction. You see, […]

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How to Lose Chest Fat

For some people losing chest fat is not easy. No matter how much weight is lost overall from the body, the chest fat still seems to remain. Some people have a condition called gynecomastia which is an abnormal amount of glands under the nipples and this attracts fat accumulation. For people such as the above, and for anyone wanting to lose chest fat, the suggestion is to keep low body fat (18% or so). The Keto diet is the best diet to do this: This is a […]

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How Easy Is It to Lose Man Boobs

Man boobs or gynecomastia is generally a condition that comes about as a result of either a genetic or hormonal malfunction or a lifestyle factor such as poor diet, dramatic weight lose or side effects of particular medicines. We hear all too often of how males, particularly adolescence and middle aged men are mocked for bearing such a feminine trait. Female breast are not easy for a man to live with and despite efforts to hide them, usually by opting to wear either specific or extra clothing, […]

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Lose Man Boobs The Right Way

Living with man boobs can be so detrimental for a man that life itself can become such a challenge. There is perhaps nothing more humiliating to be mocked and laughed at for having noticeable male breasts. So not only do you have to deal with having the actually man boobs but also bear the brunt of being a laughing stock. Man boobs, also known as gynecomastia, generally come about as a result of an imbalance of testosterone and oestrogen. When the level of oestrogen outweighs the level […]

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