Tag Archives: chest

How to Lose Chest Fat

For some people losing chest fat is not easy. No matter how much weight is lost overall from the body, the chest fat still seems to remain. Some people have a condition called gynecomastia which is an abnormal amount of glands under the nipples and this attracts fat accumulation. For people such as the above, and for anyone wanting to lose chest fat, the suggestion is to keep low body fat (18% or so). The Keto diet is the best diet to do this: This is a […]

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Treatment and Causes of Gynecomastia

What is Gynecomastia? The word Gynecomastia comes from two Greek words, Gyne meaning Woman and Mastos which means breast. A loose translation would be “woman like breasts”. They are also know as steroid breasts or bitch tits as some people unkindly call them. Gynecomastia actually describes a condition whereby breast tissue builds up in a males chest creating what appear to be female breasts. These breasts can be quite tender and sensitive. The condition Gynecomastia is very common in adolescent boys, however, in about 90% of these […]

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